Let’s be honest. The Final Destination is in no way a good movie. From the plot, to the dialog, to the amateur camera movement, it is the most basic movie I have seen in a long time. There were times when it was so completely obvious that someone was on the other side of the camera yelling “action” all I could do was LOL.
But no one expected anything new or interesting in terms of plot or characters. You expected to see fun, campy, outlandish deaths and you expected them to jump of the screen and in to your lap, and I must say, The Final Destination exceeded my expectation in that area.
The original Final Destination (2000) was a fun look at a student who has unexplained premonitions about deaths before they occur. She experiences her and her friends deaths, along with dozens of others, just moments before they take place, prompting her to change her course of action and therefore altering Death’s pattern. As the story goes, you can’t escape death, and one by one, in order, everyone who was supposed to die, does. The fun part is these deaths are all gory and completely ridiculous. This story has been exhausted throughout the 3 sequels that have spawned.
I would not recommend this movie for DVD by any means. The appeal here is the 3-D. While other movies that I have recently seen in 3-D (My Bloody Valentine, Coraline) could have done with out the gimmicks (My Bloody Valentine could have just gone un-made) The Final Destination shows us the entire film in HD 3-D. This means that it’s not just the gross out death scenes that are popping out at you…it’s every painstaking moment, which made things unexpectedly more bearable. Even the scenes that are filled only with expository dialog that take place in a living room, where I was bored out of my mind, gives you something to look at. It is a different kind of movie experience; one that I will hopefully be able to experience again with a better story. They have not perfected the 3-D technology and their will always be critics, but I think they have taken a step in the right direction.
MY VOTE: If you have already seen Inglorious Basterds and want to head out this week and have a little fun at the movies go see this flick. If you see this at home your just a sucker.
Wong goes on auto-pilot to plot even more despicable ways of killing off the survivors, preferably minus their clothes.