My roommate always jokes that I hate every movie I see. Maybe he’s right.
I went to see The Hangover on its opening day at noon. The theatre was half full. It was myself and about 50 young businessmen dressed casual on their extended Friday lunch break. The were excited. You would have thought they were about to go to Vegas. In an odd sort of a way they were.
So I’ve been thinking about that now for a while, how these guys were all amped up like a bunch of college kids getting ready for their first big beer pong tournament. And I have been listening to what people have been saying and reading what I’ve been reading and I can’t figure out if I’m just a cynic, like my roommate says or if this movie was just really mediocre at best.
I feel confident in saying it’s mediocre at best.
I feel like everyone has gotten caught up in the nostalgia of Vegas through this movie. They see the strip and guys struggling to remember the wild night they just had and they can’t help but remember the trip they had to Vegas and in their minds it was just as crazy as The Hangover, save a tiger or two. This movie shows all its cards in the previews and there isn’t too much for it to stand on past that. After seeing it I want to go to Vegas again, I’m just not going to go drop $20 on the DVD anytime soon.
I didn’t hate The Hangover; hate is such a harsh word. I thought The Hangover had its moments (have you ever seen a baby masturbate…pretty funny). Suffice it to say; in the end I was not too impressed. There was a real lack of creativity in the picture and although I got my laughs in I think there are too many well-made comedies to consider The Hangover one of the best.
My Vote: Don’t believe the hype. I’m sure the right crowd could make this movie a lot better than it is. Please, I beg you, please don’t go around quoting this movie cause it just didn’t earn it