To go as far to say I wish I forgot the movie itself would be a bit much. I knew headed into this movie what to expect, or at least I thought I did. Kevin James, who is actually quite funny as a lovable everyman on the TV show “King of Queen’s” stars as Paul Blart, an over zealous security “guard” at a New Jersey mall before the busiest day of the year, black Friday. I put the word “guard” in quotations because…well, if you haven’t heard about the debate, you will.
The plot is a classic, and by classic I mean predictable and boring but I wasn’t expecting to be fooled. There was very little this movie did that was crafty or original, again, no surprise. At 87 minutes I would put it at about 27 minutes to long, unless of course you wanted to develop Paul Blart as say, a sketch on “MAD TV” (does that show even exist anymore?) and then you might be able to chop him up into thirteen 5 minutes skits.
This movie cleaned up at the box office, probably due to really clever marketing. I was expecting a few more laughs out of it but was sadly disappointed. I’m not sure whom this movie is really good for. I would think a 12 year old might be a little too old for it, or at the very least think they are too old for it. Any child younger than 12 may not get some of the humor involved.
My vote; skip it.
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