Observe and Report stars Seth Rogen as Ronnie Barnhardt, a bi-polar mall-cop whose mall is being corrupted by a heavyset flasher and a thief. His mother is a drunk so it’s no surprise he is in love with a drunk, Brandi, played by Anna Ferris. There was a lot of buzz around this movie and Seth Rogen has been quoted as saying he can’t believe they let him make it. Well Seth, neither can I.
I am not easily offended by language, drug use, nudity, etc. I love dark comedies and more specifically movies that break the Hollywood mold. Todd Solondz’s 1998 movie Happiness was a dark comedy, and damn good. Observe and Report tries to be dark, funny, confusing and it tries to break the mold. It accomplishes all of these things, but not as one coherent piece of work but as a bunch of muddled scenes strewn together that vaguely resemble what modern moviegoers will call a movie. There is a beginning, middle and an end but I can’t say that any of it really mattered.
In the upcoming days I am sure there will be a lot of buzz around this movie for a lot of different reason. The first thing that has been getting attention is the “date rape” scene. This was actually a bright spot in the movie and I wish there were more moments like this throughout. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support date rape, but it fit, it was funny, and in the end Anna Ferris delivers a memorable line that makes everything okay.
In the end this just isn’t a good movie. I was bored in the first 10 minutes, 45 minutes in I was considering walking out and about an 1 hour 20 minutes in I was just mad. The director Jody Hill, who also directed the Foot fist way, likes movies that “break the mold” and includes Pulp Fiction as a favorite. While Pulp Fiction included many of the same elements as Observe and Report, it had purpose and it said something. Observe and Report doesn’t accomplish either of those things. I take that back, it does demonstrate how if you say a word enough (fuck) it starts to loose its power. Gratuitous violence, illicit drug use, and full frontal (not to mention fat and saggy) male nudity strung together in a weak plot do not make for a good film. I could name 10 movies where those elements are part of a greater purpose and serve the film (well maybe not the saggy full frontal).
I was pretty hard on Paul Blart. I will watch that movie 10 times before I watch Observe and Report again.
My Vote; Do I really have to say it.
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